Hostel owners & Managers
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Our guides & blogs are created to provide you with useful tips and tricks that you can use and implement in specific areas of your hostel. Whether you are looking for ideas on how to improve your dorm rooms or need some tips on how to promote yourself online, the Hostel Hub is your go-to source for everything hostel-related.
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Hostel Owners Tips

A guide to hostel photography How to Photograph your Dorms
Making your hostel look it's best doesn't require you to hire a professional photographer. While a pro will do a great job, you can save yourself time and money with a decent camera and a bit of knowhow. Here are the most important things to think about when pohotographing your hostel.
Seven Essential Social Media Tips for Hostels
To neglect social media in today's hostel market is a huge mistake. The young tech savvy customer base that makes up the core of hostel business is heavily socially connected. They will scrutinise your social media channels before deciding whether or not to choose your hostel.
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The 7 Most Common Mistakes Hostel Managers Make (That Cost You Money)
The 7 Most Common Mistakes Hostel Managers Make (that cost you money) Hostel managers and owners have more than enough to do: manage staff, attract guests, ensure cleanliness and safety, manage reviews and complaints, deal with partners, set rate plans, all while creating a great hostelling experience for their guests. Many of these tasks could be made a lot easier. Here are some helpful tips to recognize the most common mistakes hostel managers make and ideas on how to change them. 1. Using a bad channel manager (or none at all) If you’re looking to maximize revenue, your hostel needs to be listed on most major booking platforms. Each booking engine extends your reach by thousands of visitors per day looking to potentially book a bed at your hostel ...
Read MoreHow to Use Rate Mixing to Maximize Your Revenue
Even though advanced rate mixing is a practice already widely adopted in the hotel industry, only a few of the big hostel chains have joined in on the fun. Why is it important? Implementing dynamic rates increases your rates yield (revenue). Rate mixing gives you better chances of being booked by customers who are looking at your offers because they always see the best combination of value-for-money. Plus, you won’t need to constantly adjust your rates every time demand changes or seasons and events are coming up. How does Rate Mixing work? Rate mixing is a simple concept. You combine two or more different rates within the same reservation option to deliver the guest a desirable offer. Even if you don’t change your rates often, you still do rate mixing one way or another ...
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A Guide to Hostel Photography: How to Photograph Your Dorms
Making your hostel look its best doesn’t require you to hire a professional photographer. While a pro will do a great job, you can save yourself time and money with a decent camera and a bit of knowhow. Here are the most important things to think about when photographing your hostel. Set-up When photographing rooms and other areas in your hostel, make sure that you set them up a bit first. Staging a room is vital to get that professional shot. Staging tells a story and potential customers want to see that. Turn down a bed and put a couple of props like an open book, a cup of coffee and bowl of fruit into the scene to make it inviting. If you are photographing any type of food ...
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