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Amsterdam, Netherlands
September 2021
January 2022
0 Guest
Searching for Amsterdam, Netherlands
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{{html elementimage}} ${elementtranslated}
{{html elementimage}}
${elementtranslated} {{if activeclass == "active"}} {{if element != "recomended"}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
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{{html elementimage}}${name} close
{{html image}}
{{if type == 'Hostel'}} Hostel {{/if}} {{if type != 'Hostel'}} Property {{/if}} {{if type_translated}} ${type_translated} - {{/if}} {{if distance_to_center}} ${distance_to_center} {{/if}}
{{if prices.dorm}}
Price for
{{/if}} {{if student_prices.dorm}}
Shared room
{{/if}} {{if prices.private}}
Private rooms
Price for
{{if prices.private.daily_user_price_type == 'daily'}}
per night
{{/if}} {{if prices.private.daily_user_price_type != 'daily'}}
{{/if}} {{if student_prices.private}}
Private rooms
{{if prices.dorm}}
{{/if}} {{if student_prices.dorm}}
{{/if}} {{if prices.private}}
{{/if}} {{if student_prices.private}}
{{if prices.dorm}} {{if prices.private}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{if student_prices.dorm}} {{if student_prices.private}}
{{/if}} {{/if}}